Caring for Mums and Bubs

During pregnancy mums can experience symptoms such as back pain, cramping while laying on your side, headaches, pelvic instability syndrome or restless legs.

Dr Jonathan has had many years of experience treating pregnancy aches and pains and will ensure you are as comfortable during your pregnancy as possible.

New mums can suffer from shoulder and back pain due to caring for their new baby.

Dr Jonathan and the team at Parkdale Chiropractic clinic can help alleviate and mange these pains caused by breast feeding, changing nappies and the stress and strain caused form being a new mum.

Babies need Chiropractic treatment too. Babies may have issues such as hip dysplasia, trouble breastfeeding that may be due to neck problems and infantile colic. Dr Jonathan will use a gentle touch technique on your baby so that bub doesn’t feel a thing.

Check out these articles on the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment for pregnancy